StrongDC++ is designed as an alternate DC++ which is based on the popular Direct Connect clone "DC++".
Since DC++ is open source, you can download the source code and start modifying it. This is what I have done.
To do this, you need to stick to GPL (GNU General Public License). That's why I release my modifications as well. This client support separate downloading.
Direct Connect allows you to share files over the internet without restrictions or limits.
Because DC++ is a self contained C++ program it doesn't need installing as such - simply download and unzip the zip file, copy the contents into a directory and double click the .exe application.
Setup is simple too - once the application is running simply go to File>Settings... or click the icon on the Toolbar and you should see the settings pop-up.
DC++ is very easy to use. File>Public Hubs (or CTRL+P) brings up the Public Hubs and Connection Window then all you do is simply wait for the hub list to appear and double click a hub to connect to it.
Often the description next to a hub name in the hub list will contain a summary of the rules of the hub - some hubs are very much neo-modus only and will have the words NO DC++ in the description. Do not bother trying to connect to these hubs they will kick you out.